English language debate in Frederiksberg: Security, EU enlargemend the role of the EU in the Defense of Ukraine
Two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are faced with many international challenges and our European Parliament Candidates need to provide answers.
How has the topic of EU Securitisation changed since 2022?
To which extent is the EU expansion discussion seen through the perspective of the Ukraine war?
How must EU's capacity to act in the defense of Ukraine develop?
How should EU institutions be strengthened to further manage these securitisation issues?
Jakob Kaarsbo - Think Tank Europa
Christine Nissen from DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies.
Candidates (alphabetically)
Jakob Rosenberg (Konservative)
Rasmus Nordquist (SF)
Anne Sophie Callesen (Radikale Venstre)
Tobias Marney (Moderaterne)
Torsten Laksefoss Holbek (Venstre)
Niels Christian Dahl (Socialdemokratiet)
Jan Kristoffersen (Alternativet)
Moderator: Kathrine Richter, Volt - Greens/EFA
Why an English language debate?
20% of the EU citizens living in Denmark, live in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. All EU citizens have the right to vote for European Parliament elections to be held on the 9th of June 2024 in Denmark.
For too long, European issues have been seen through national lenses.
The election to the European Parliament has suffered from the lack of inclusion of a European point of view and we wish to change this.
The event is organised in a collaboration between Volt Danmark, Renaissance, Radikale Venstre, Alternativet and Nyt Europa.
The event is funded by the Europa-Nævnet. The content is the sole responsibility of the grant recipient.