Volt Rainbow

Volt wants a labor market for the 21st century!

We lack manpower, but are cutting back on integration and migration.

EURES is the EU's job portal - but Danish companies do not use it!

So let's look at the challenges and solve them - together!

Denmark has an increasing population challenge. We are getting more old and less young. The municipalities are calling for more hands and the government's immediate response is that the next generation must take jobs aimed at the older generation.

There is a shortage of 16,000 SOSU assistants in 2025 - National Association of Municipalities

School and education reforms create uncertainty among young people - Danish Psychological Association

But attacks on the education system have taken place for more than 10 years and it creates uncertainty among the next generation when you don't know if what you are passionate about as a 15-year-old is even a possibility as a 19-year-old.

But the continued attack on the next generation is also due to the voters not being among the young at all. The graphs below from Statistics Denmark remind us of what democracy means when the next generation entitled to vote is in the minority.

That's why we need more focus on the next generation, so we don't create a generation gap!

Volt Rainbow

So how do we secure the labor market of the future?

First of all, we must create a new generational agreement and migration is part of the conversation. It is embarrassing when Danish politicians cannot tell the difference between advocating for a secular society and falling into the xenophobic immigration debate.

Volt has a number of ideas, because we want a far-sighted labor market that tackles the real problems!

In the labor market of the future, we must work less, we must take our well-being seriously, we must value culture and art and we must strengthen the opportunities to change careers and direction several times in our lives.

Here are some of the proposals that Volt will bring to the table to strengthen the Danish labor market:

Remove the reservation of rights and strengthen skilled migration

Denmark's reservation of rights prevents many things, including participating in EUs Blue Card arrangement. Here, the EU has launched a special visa where highly qualified employees from third countries can apply for Schengen visas. These cannot apply for a work permit in Denmark because we have a legal reservation.

Strengthen knowledge in Danish

Earlier this year, the Rockwool Foundation published an analysis that examined the connection of refugees to the business world. They found that although lower social benefits pushed refugees out into the labor market, it was knowledge of Danish that retained them and developed their attachment.

Volt wants to strengthen training in Danish, which for several years has been cut back and given lower priority, because we can see that it is knowledge of Denmark that best ensures connection and development in the labor market.

Recognize volunteer work while we wait for a 30-hour work week

Without Voluntary Strengthen collective agreements in the rest of the EUDanmark, many things would not be done at all. We can strengthen both volunteerism and job satisfaction by recognizing voluntary work as part of the 37-hour working week.

While we wait for the unions and the labor market parties to agree to reduce the working week from 37 to 30, we can introduce voluntary hours.

This means that Voluntary Denmark can experience that more professionals have time to put effort into the association's work and for those on the labor market it means that you do not lose the right to a full pension or full unemployment benefits, just because you work less at your paid work.

Styrk kollektive overenskomster i resten af EU

We at Volt want Danish trade unions to actively advocate for strengthening collective agreements in the rest of Europe! After Mindstelønsdirektivet has come to the fore, it is time to speak loudly and at length about Danish experiences, as the directive directly states that collective agreements are the golden standard!

We need a new way of conducting politics - together, with open eyes and curious heads. It requires cooperation and Volt stands for that!