Volt's organisational structure
Volt has a flat hierarchial structure and effective cross-border cooperation. We work broadly in three circles of interest: local, national and European. In order to work efficiently across these circles, we strive to create the same structures in all circles.
This means we have Event Teams at national and European level and if the local team is big enough there is also an event team there.
It also means that no matter how small a team is, people can always find help and inspiration from other national or local teams
One is never alone and can seek assistance and guidance from all across Europe.In Denmark, we have a main board and teams that function nationally and support the local teams. Volt Denmark's board is in charge of the administrative side and Volt's active members are part of the ambition to run for elections and political campaigns to change policy
Financial transparency
Please review Volt Europa's transparency page too: https://www.volteuropa.org/transparency
According to the Danish law on party support, Volt Danmark states the names of the supporters who donate above the current donation limit within a given calendar year.
Volt Danmark consists of volunteer members and their time and efforts are major in kind contributions! We are grateful to all those who support a stronger Europe and those who open their homes, restaurants, offices or businesses to let us hold events and meetings.
Mathieu Pouletty and Amalie6
Volt has entered into a collaboration with Amalie6, an international office hotel in Copenhagen. Amalie6 holds events together with Volt in Copenhagen and Volt considers the reduced rent as a donation that amounts to less than DKK 19,999 annually.
Mathieu Pouletty is an active member of Volt and owns Amalie6.

General Assembly documents
Members of Volt Danmark have access to all past documents via our Google Drive. If you are not a member of Volt Danmark but would like access, you can email us your request at kontakt@voltdanmark.org
2024 - General Assembly 3 February 2024 (pending)
Annual review - Ina Hoogeland & Frederik Larsen
Budget review - by Mathieu Pouletty
Statutes (no changes proposed)
2023 - General Assembly 21 January 2023
Agenda - General Assembly
Annual Review - v. Kathrine Richter
Budget review - v. Mathieu Pouletty
Statutes - approved 21 January 2023
2022 - General Assembly 29 January 2022
Annual Review - Kathrine Richter
Budget Review - Mathieu Pouletty
Statutes - approved 29 January 2022
2021 - General Assembly 16 January 2021
Annual review - Kathrine Richter
Budget Review - Mathieu Pouletty
Statutes - approved 16 January 2021