Volt Rainbow

Volt stands for The Rule of Law

Denmark needs politicians who fight for the rule of law!

I juli 2022 EU-commission delivered a number of recommendations for Denmark and they are very similar:

It is recommended that Denmark:

  • Ensures sufficient human and financial resources for the judiciary in the next multiannual framework, taking into account the European standards for resources for the judicial system.

  • Adopts new political party funding legislation that addresses the problem of multiple and anonymous donations and introduces penalties for violating the rules on political party frameworks.

  • Introduce rules on "revolving doors" for ministers and on lobbying and ensure appropriate checks on the asset declarations submitted by persons entrusted with senior management functions.

  • Continues the process of reforming access to public administrative documents in order to strengthen the right of access to documents, in particular by limiting grounds for refusal of requests for access to documents, taking into account the European standards on access to official documents.

Denmark's governments have closed commissions, monitored and logged illegally, received reprimands and noses, and it is time for our society's leadership to lead by example. We do that at Volt and that is why we take the rule of law very seriously!

We must have a lobby register

Transparency International Denmark
