Become part of the team
It all starts with our volunteers
Volt began with a small group of young political activists who wanted to stop the breakup of Europe. A group of three young people became thirty, which became 300 and today Volt has over 27,000 members and a handful of full-time employees.
To this day, Volt is primarily run by volunteers who want to help improve policy and create change. Joining Volt is an opportunity to learn, expand your network across Europe and have a lot of fun!
In Volt, you can be active on a European, national and local level. In Denmark, we especially need help to fill some of the teams and positions mentioned below. If you are curious to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out to us!
Opportunities at Volt Denmark

Are you excited to bring some more of Europe to Denmark, and ready to get more involved in the first truly pan-European party with members all across Europe? Are you a natural at connecting people and curious to learn more about what the work of a Board of a growing political party and movement is like? Apply now to become Volt Danmark’s next General Secretary!

Become part of Volt Europe's Expansion team and help Volt grow in Denmark and Sweden!

Lead the development of Volt's political program in Denmark

Volt Danmark teams

From petitions to voter declarations