Jakob Overby Kirkegaard
“Denmark must be involved in taking responsibility for the creation of a green and progressive EU, and the EU must be involved in taking responsibility for the creation of a democratic and green world.”
Jakob became a member of Volt in early 2021, shortly after Volt entered the parliament of the Netherlands.
His Inner European was awakened while studying in England, where the effects of Brexit showed the importance of the union, while the international study environment gave him hope for a more multicultural world.
In 2021, Jakob graduated from Royal Holloway with a Bachelor in Classical Archeology and Ancient History.
Jakob took from his enrollment in Volt active part in the party's policy development, starting with an active role in shaping the party program for the local elections in Frederiksberg.
Since the end of 2021, Jakob has chaired Volt Denmark's Political Committee, and at the general meeting in January 2022 he was elected to the board of Volt Denmark.
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