Volt complains to the Ombudsman
"It does not appear that the Ministry of the Interior and Health in its decision has explicitly addressed whether the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as provided in the above-mentioned memorandum, applies when assessing whether Volt Denmark is ready to stand for the European Parliament elections in Denmark, and if so, what significance the Charter has for the Ministry's decision.
I have therefore today decided to send a copy of your letter of 24 May 2023 together with the attachments you have sent to me to the Ministry of the Interior and Health (...)"

The Ombudsman asked the Ministry of the Interior to elaborate on its reason for rejecting our complaint
On 24 May 2023, Volt sent a complaint to the Ombudsman about the Ministry of the Interior and Health's decision and on 4 July 2023, the complaint was forwarded to the Ministry of the Interior with reference to the fact that the Ministry of the Interior did not consider our legal memo and the reference to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
"Finally, the Ministry is given the opportunity to elaborate on which specific statements from the first reading of Bill L 175 of 4 March 1983 that the Ministry has emphasised in its assessment that the provision in section 10(1) of the European Parliamentary Elections Act was inserted in order to equate the parties that had obtained representation in the Danish Parliament at the last parliamentary elections and continued to be represented in it with the parties that had obtained representation in the European Parliament at the last European Parliament elections and continued to be represented in it."