Folkemøde Bornholm 2024 - vi har stadig brug for bidrag
We have 2 days left to fund a Volt tent at Folkemødet - can you help us reach the second half?
It will be the first time that a pan-European party will have its own tent at the democracy festival. We would very much like to invite people to exciting debates about the future of Europe, which our own tent would enable us to do.

To enable us to get to Folkemødet, you can make a donation through MobilePay (50 kr. - 100 kr. - 250 kr. - 500 kr. - 1000 kr. or another amount), or donate directly to our bank account with the description ‘Folkemødet donation’ (DK6295700012651953). Joining Folkemødet with our own stand for the first time at this pivotal moment in time will show that Volt Danmark is here to stay and that we’re here to unlock the full potential of Europe, whether on the ballot or as a champion of European values and a new way of doing politics.