Folkemøde Bornholm 2024
Come meet Volt Danmark at Folkemøde at F3 by Allinge Røgeriet!

Once a year, changemakers gravitate to Denmark's biggest democracy festival to raise awareness and engage in debate. This year, we deliver to you burning platforms ranging from Political Youth over European Identities to border-crossing Public Transport, among much more.
Find us at Folkemøde at F3.
You haven't seen Volt on the Danish ballot yet, but we're working towards growing our pan-European political movement in Danmark! Together with our neighbours and neighbours’ neighbours, because Volt is one party in all of Europe. Today's multiple crises go beyond national borders, so we need long-term and cross-border solutions! Together, we can build a future that is thriving for all..
In this super election year, Volt is participating in the European Parliament elections in 13 countries to go for real European momentum. Folkemøde is Your chance to get to know Volt and our chance to show you what we are standing for. We want to promote positive change and cross-border solutions in European politics and make it accessible to Danes and expats living here alike.
Join our debates from Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th June on Folkemøde at our tent located in F3
No matter if you are an expert on the given topic or just curious, swing by and participate critically in the discussions. Aside from the formal schedule, You're welcome all day to meet Volters from Denmark and other countries, there will be pop-up talks, fun and games throughout the festival.
We're beyond excited to be at Folkemøde 2024 and we hope you are, too!
Stay tuned on our channels, as we will provide more info on our debates in the coming weeks.
Volt is here to stay, but without the people, there's no real politics. Find out more about our values and visions here and sign up to our newsletter here, if you want to move Europe forward, too.